12 mar 2008

Muere último soldado frances de la Primera Guerra Mundial

Ya no suelo transcribir en el blog palabras de otros, al menos no en su totalidad, pero en este caso haré una excepción:

Lazare Ponticelli, the last French soldier to have endured the horrors of the Great War, died at the age of 110 on Wednesday, March 12, 2008 -- an irreplaceable loss. Ponticelli was born in Bettola, Italy, on Dec. 7, 1897, but immigrated to France in 1906 at the age of 9. When war broke out, Ponticelli helped to dig ditches to bury the dead before lying about his age in order to join the French Foreign Legion in August 1914, at the age of 16. The following year, Ponticelli, who did not obtain French citizenship until after the war, was conscripted by the Italian Army and was sent to fight the Austrian Army in the mountainous Tyrol region. In 1920, he returned to France and during the Second World War joined the Paris resistance, in 1942. To the memory of Ponticelli, and to the sacrifice of millions more who have already passed on, the members of the 151 R.I. bow their head in the deepest respect..."Nous N'Oublierons Jamais!" (We will never forget!) (lo tomé de aqui)

La foto del veterano Ponticelli y la historia entera en inglés de cnn.com aqui

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