21 abr 2007

The femicide problem in Guatemala

Here is the link, very interesting, but maybe a bit too simplistic way to see the hole problem, even so: http://www.guardian.co.uk/g2/story/0,,2061611,00.html

Here are some interesting parts of the article:

"...The war was one of Latin America's bloodiest, leaving 200,000 people dead.
It was a bitter struggle between leftwing guerrillas and a military protecting a
white elite and it resulted in hundreds of massacres, mostly carried out by the
military, with unarmed civilians being slaughtered with a terrifying degree of

Women made up about a quarter of the dead, and rape was common, while
soldiers or paramilitaries also devised less obvious tortures, such as cutting
foetuses (or, as they saw them, potential rebels) from the wombs of victims.

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